There are many different kinds of forks, each one studied and designed for different kinds of food.
- Table Fork
Table Forks are what we use every day for our main dishes. They can be used for pasta, rice dishes, meat or vegetables. These forks are designed for use with a wide variety of different dishes. 3V Venosta offers different models of Table Forks to suit the many different tastes of its clientele.
- Fruit Fork
Fruit Forks are smaller than Table Forks and are designed, together with the Fruit Knife and the Fruit Spoon, for use with fruit dishes and appetizers. 3V Venosta offers different models of Fruit Forks, each one featuring its own design.
- Dessert Fork
Dessert Forks are smaller than Table Forks and even smaller than Fruit Forks. Dessert Forks have three tines and are used for different dessert dishes and sweets. 3V Venosta offers different models of Dessert Forks, each one with a unique design to suit the varied tastes of its clientele.
- Fish Fork
Fish Forks are designed for dishes based on fish. Together with a fish knife, Fish Forks simplify cleaning of the fish and makes it easier to eat. 3V Venosta offers different models of Fish Forks, each one uniquely designed to suit the different tastes of its clientele.
- Deli (or "prosciutto") Fork
Deli Forks have two tines designed for picking up slices of prosciutto and very thinly-sliced deli meats. Deli Forks are just one of many table accessories produced by 3V Venosta.
- Snail Fork
Snail Forks are small forks used for aperitifs, for skewering olives, snails, canapes and other tidbits and appetizers. Snail Forks are just one of many table accessories produced by 3V Venosta.
- Salad Fork
Salad Forks, coupled with Salad Spoons, have an elongated shape that helps for mixing salads or vegetables while they are being dressed and makes them easier to serve. Salad Forks are just one of many table accessories produced by 3V Venosta.
- Serving Fork
Serving Forks are used together with Serving Spoons. Serving Forks are larger than Table Forks and are designed for serving different types of side dishes. Serving Forks have three tines and their special shape is also helpful for picking up thin slices of meat. Serving Forks are just one of the many products designed by 3V Venosta for your table.
- Roast Fork
Roast Forks are the largest of the many different types of forks. Roast Forks have two points designed for stabbing meat during the carving phase and turning it during cooking. Roast Forks are just one of many products designed by 3V Venosta for your table.