Venosta makes forks and spoons designed for bars, pubs and clubs. The series known as the "Bar Series" of includes every accessory available.
Here you will find a wide variety of 3V Venosta products designed to satisfy the needs of bars, ice-cream parlors and clubs; products designed to provide a comprehensive, customized response to the cafeteria sector and to make each bar unique and welcoming.
The Dessert Fork is a small fork that is perfect for any kind of dessert. Available in different models, the Dessert Fork is one of many products that 3V Venosta supplies to bars and clubs.
The Ice-Cream Spoon has a wide, square cup with a shape designed to scoop up the just right amount of ice cream from the bowl. Available in different models, the Ice-cream Spoon is one of many products that 3V Venosta supplies to bars and clubs.
The Long-Drink Spoon (Cocktail Spoon) is a long-handled, tapered spoon that is perfect for mixing long drinks, cocktails and any drink served in high, cylindrical glasses. Available in different models, the Drink Spoon is one of many products that 3V Venosta supplies to bars and clubs.